BYE.SEC was animated by Don Mangan and Artie Romero of Artie Romero Graphics. It is a low-res detail from an animated laser disk. BYE.SEC is a Disney Animation Studio "secure" file, which can only be viewed with FLICK.EXE, a freeware animation player program. It requires a 286 or better, DOS 3 or higher, minimum 640K RAM, and a DOS mouse driver. To view the animation in Windows 3.X, double-click on FLICK.EXE in the File Manager, and after FLICK loads, select BYE.SEC in the FLICK file requester. In Windows95, double-click on BYE.SEC in Windows Explorer. When Windows asks you to associate it with an application, browse and choose FLICK.EXE. To stop the animation, press any key. BYE.SEC is copyright 1994, 1998 Artie Romero Graphics (ARG) 3645 Jeannine Drive, Suite 209 Colorado Springs, CO 80917 (719) 955-5955